How to share the Gospel with a friend who is not interested?

How to share the Gospel with a friend who is not interested? 2

Not animosity is one of the main barriers to Christianity in the modern world. It’s apathy. Many individuals are aware of Jesus, but they do not believe that religion or God have any bearing on their daily lives. They believe they already know enough, so they don’t want to hear the gospel. How is a Christian to share their beliefs in certain situations?

No magic formula

It is not possible to share the Christian faith with people who are not interested with a magic formula or seven simple steps. Since each person is unique, you should experiment with various strategies to see what works. However, if you attempt to communicate about Christ and get a strong negative response, it’s likely best to back off and try again at a later time in a different manner. We shouldn’t act like aggressive salespeople and make someone listen to us talk about Christ if they don’t want to. What can we do, though, in that situation?


Listening is the first action we can take. Find out from your pals what they think, don’t think, and why. Inquire about their lives and the things that matter to them. The majority of people enjoy discussing themselves. They might ultimately grow interested in your opinions if you ask them with sincerity and demonstrate your concern for them. They might not, though. In any case, listening to people and treating them with care and respect are essential components of loving others.

Know your Bible

As you listen to your friends talk about themselves, maybe there is a particular pain or hope in their lives that comes up. How does the Gospel address that pain or hope? Is there a Bible story that relates to that pain or hope? In personal conversation, if you know some Bible stories that relate to something your friend is talking about, you could share those stories. If your friend is experiencing troubles in life, you could tell them about Job. If they are longing for a child, you could talk about Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel who cried out for a child (1 Samuel 1). Even talking about the awful weather outside could lead to talking about a Bible story, such as Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4:35-41. The more you read the Bible and become familiar with the stories of the Bible, the more variety of stories you will have to share on different occasions and topics.

Meet your other Christian friends

Even if your friend is not interested in hearing the Gospel from you, perhaps they would be willing to listen to someone else. Different people response to different types of personalities. Try to make opportunities for your friend to meet your other Christian friends or church members. This could be at a church event, but it doesn’t have to be. It could be fun gathering at your home, someone else’s home, or around town. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to invite your friend to church too. If they say “no,” don’t worry about it. Often times, as long as you are not pushy about asking them to go to church, it won’t ruin your relationship if they don’t accept your invitation. Look for other opportunities and pray for openings for you or someone else to talk with your friend about spiritual things and see where the conversation leads.


As every person is unique, so too will every scenario be unique. Additionally, people evolve with time. Thus, keep praying for your friend. Even though they might not be interested now, things might change in a month or a year.

Act as a companion. Pose inquiries. Pay attention, love, and pray. Hold on tight. When you can, use your words and your life to point people to Christ. Have faith in God. He is in charge, and He cares about your friend even more than you do.


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