How to recognize a false church?

If you believe what is taught in a [real church], you will be saved and have eternal life. If you follow the doctrine of a false church, you will ultimately die [eternally]. Thus, it is crucial that you understand how to spot a phony church. Luckily, it is not difficult. To ensure that you are not duped, there are a few indicators that point to a phony church.

Do not look for perfection

It is not necessary to search for an ideal church; rather, you should be able to spot a phony one. Your life is transformed when you come to know Jesus. However, as you have probably discovered, you are still sinful. This also applies to all Christians. Thus, avoid seeking out a church where everyone is blameless. It isn’t real.

Furthermore, it is impossible to find a church with flawless doctrine. Regarding the interpretation and application of God’s Word, Christians diverge greatly. It is probably difficult to find two persons who have exactly the same viewpoints on everything because there are so many differences. Why then do you believe that God is the only one who fully concurs with you? Everyone must have the humility to admit that “we know in part” (1 Corinthians 13:9). It is evident that not every theological error turns a church into a false church if everyone and every church merely “knows in part.”

But do look out for false churches

Every church has flaws and is occasionally incorrect. Yet receiving the appropriate instruction is still crucial. There are critical issues that the church must address. Otherwise, you should stay away from this bogus church. Since the Bible states that “there will be false teachers among you” (2 Peter 2:1), we may be certain that this issue is real.

This text provides a crucial first hint for identifying a fake church: observe its leaders. After only a few encounters with a church, it is risky to form judgments about it. They may simply be immature spiritually. This shouldn’t be used against the church because it can’t and shouldn’t seek to force its adherents to think and act in a certain way!

Look out for false doctrine

Preaching the gospel is a church’s primary responsibility. A church is false if the Gospel is not preached. The Gospel can be summed up as follows: Per God’s design, Jesus Christ died on the cross to atone for our sins and resurrected from the dead on the third day (see 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Churches frequently make mistakes in one of these areas when they fail to preach this:

  1. They reject the notion that Jesus is God. They discuss Jesus as an excellent teacher and role model. But He is much more than that. To save us, he offered his life.
  2. They reject the idea that the Bible is [God’s Word]. Although they are [not willing to obey what God asks us in his Word], they nonetheless wish to be inspired by the Bible.
  3. They avoid discussing sin because God is a loving God. It is accurate to say that God loves sinners. He wants to change them since he loves them so much! Consequently, the church must bring up the fact that sin needs to be dealt with.
  4. They provide a set of guidelines for gaining God’s approval. However, [your actions do not save you]. You are saved by the grace of God, not by your own works but by your faith.
  5. They stress that believers receive prosperity and health from God. In actuality, that is [not a Bible promise]. It is also a means of diverting attention from spiritual to material concerns.
  6. They identify as the only authentic church. They reject the deeds of God throughout history and in many churches across the globe. They reduce God to a little god in this way. As a result, the assertion that it is “the one true church” is actually a dead giveaway that it is a fraud!

Run from your church if even one of these is true! therefore it is a phony church. You must hear the gospel taught under the power of the Holy Spirit, just as it is presented in the Bible.

Look out for sinful pastors

There is one more thing that, in addition to doctrine, aids in identifying a fraudulent church. That’s how these churches’ pastors live their lives. In one of these categories, fake teachers nearly invariably make a mistake:

  1. Strength. According to 2 Peter 2:10, they “despise authority” and want you to submit to them alone. False teachers frequently assert control over their churchgoers that is exclusively God’s. Our first obedience is to God, even when our spiritual leaders ask for [a certain amount of obedience]. Something is amiss if a pastor says you obey God by doing as he says.
  2. Sexual. “Numerous people will emulate their sensuality” (2 Peter 2:2). Oftentimes, false instructors will live in sexual sin—sometimes in public, but more often in private. Ultimately, they are discovered.
  3. Cash. “They will use false words to take advantage of you out of greed” (2 Peter 2:3). Is a pastor wealthy as a result of the gifts given by his congregation? Never put your trust in him. Is a pastor encouraging you to give money to him in order to “sow a seed” financially so that God will bless you? He is a fake instructor motivated more by greed than by God’s love, therefore flee from him.

How to recognize a false church?

A church is false if it does not proclaim the gospel, which offers salvation from sin by the death of Jesus Christ. The church is false, whether it is dragging you away from God by denying the gospel’s veracity or by enforcing rules to be saved. A church is fraudulent if its officials pursue positions of authority, wealth, and extramarital affairs.

Don’t be alarmed by this. According to 2 Peter 2:9, “The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials.” He will also deliver you from bogus churches if you want to follow him. In Matthew 16:18, he makes a guarantee regarding his church: “The gates of hell will not prevail against it.” So have faith that he will guide you in complete truth.


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