How to have a quiet time with God?

How to have a quiet time?

By dwelling in His word, we abide in Jesus (John 8:31). We wholeheartedly urge you to try it! Throughout the ages, countless Christians have experienced God’s favor when they set aside time each day to meet with Jesus in the Bible and [to pray]. God has made each of us uniquely, so there is a lot of flexibility in how we go about doing this, but here are some suggestions and thoughts you could find useful. Continue trying different things until you find what works for you!

7 tips and ideas for quiet time

1. Meditate on the Bible

We can look at any part of the Bible, because all the Scriptures are designed to lead us to Jesus (John 5:39). We might meditate on just a verse or two, and delight in the deeper and richer treasures God unfolds to us from familiar passages (2 Timothy 2:7); or we might prefer to read longer passages to see how the whole sweep of God’s revelation teaches us about Jesus (Luke 24:27, 44-47). There are free resources on the internet that can help us get started. For example, many Christians have benefited from Oswald Chambers’ daily meditations in “My Utmost for His Highest,” available here. Many Christians also have really enjoyed “For the Love of God,” where Don Carson guides us through the Bible in one or two years, available here.

2. Choose a place

There are no special “holy places” we must go to meet with God, because Christians “worship in Spirit and Truth” (John 4:24). This means that we can have our “Quiet Times” anywhere: even on our way to work (Acts 8:28) – though this may be easier if we download a Bible onto an e-reader or smart phone!
However, for our benefit, it is spiritually safest to find a private place where we will not be tempted to “show off” to other people (Matthew 6:6). Privacy will also help us to be real with God in our prayers – it’s wrong to get angry with God; but when we do, it’s wrong not to talk to Him about it (1 Samuel 1:15)! Privacy also helps us avoid distractions. Jesus was so busy that He had to make a special effort to get away from people in order to pray (Matthew 14:23; Luke 5:16). Charles Wesley’s mother used to put an apron over her head to show her family she was spending a few minutes with God and didn’t want any interruptions!

3. Make some time

There are no “holy times” either; the ideal moment will mostly rely on your own daily schedule—or lack thereof! David prayed in the mornings (Psalm 5:3), while Daniel prayed three times a day on a regular basis (Daniel 6:10). However, Jesus was so busy that He had to carve out time for Himself whenever possible (Mark 6:46)! Try to set aside a regular time when you can be “clear minded and self-controlled so you can pray” (1 Peter 4:7). Some of us are “morning people,” while others are “evening people.”

4. Feed yourself with God’s word

Reading God’s word every day is a wonderful habit because it is our “daily bread” (Matthew 4:4) (1 Peter 2:2)! Once more, how much time we can invest will depend on our personal circumstances. While a working single parent would find it difficult to dedicate even 10 minutes each day, retired Christians or students may be able to dedicate an hour or more! There are no set lengths for our prayers (Luke 6:12; Matthew 6:7), nor are there restrictions on the amount of time we may devote to personal Bible reading.

5. Feel free to be creative

It’s commonly referred to as a “Quiet Time,” but it doesn’t have to be that way! You can even create your own songs or poems to God if you’d like. The Book of Psalms demonstrates that you can even set your own prayers to music and sing them aloud. It would be beneficial for you to incorporate Christian music into your daily devotions as well. Music has a special power to assist us in [memorizing Bible verses], enabling us to hide God’s word in our hearts (Psalm 119:11).

6. Maintain a personal journal

In order to be “watchful and thankful,” many Christians find it beneficial to record their prayer requests and responses in a personal “journal” (Colossians 4:2).

7. Keep meeting other Christians

Because of the advancement of technology, Christians now have more opportunity than ever to misuse God’s word for their own selfish ends. Whatever you do, make sure you spend time with other Christians in addition to your “Quiet Time.” God gives us the ability to “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ”—”together with all the saints” (Ephesians 3:18). As God continues to teach you, make sure you [continue to gather in a decent church] so that you might uplift other Christians (Hebrews 3:13; 10:25).

A practical example

Because I’m a person who likes structure, I’ve been reciting Psalm 32:1-2 at the start of the day. Later in the day, I pray Psalm 86:11–13, and then I follow the “M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan.” Then, before turning in for the night, I express my gratitude for all that has gone well during the day. I also keep a prayer list on my iPhone for specific individuals, as well as a church-issued “prayer diary” that includes recommendations for intercession and gratitude.

But just like there are Christians, there are countless methods to have “Quiet Times”! Please feel free to share with us your own strategy in the space designated for “comments” below!


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