How to evangelize?

How to evangelize?

It is a valid assumption made by the question that evangelism is something that ought to be done. Just before going back to his Father, Jesus gave his disciples the command. First, let’s examine how Jesus expressed his mandate to spread the gospel: “I have been given all authority, both in heaven and on earth.” So go and make disciples of all peoples, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And lo and behold, till the end of time, I am by your side. Matthew 28:18–20.

We can learn so much about evangelism from just few verses. First and foremost, let the assurance that Christ is in complete control and will be with you till the end of time frame your testimony at all times! Secondly, evangelism need to have a purpose: it ought to have the goal of making people disciples of Christ. Third, the content of evangelism should be excellent: we are to impart Christ’s own teachings. Fourth, evangelism is extremely inclusive; the gospel is meant for every country on the planet. Lastly, as a testament to all that God has accomplished and will accomplish in the believer’s life, those who choose to place their faith in Jesus ought to be baptized in the glorious name of the Triune God.

Take the audience into account

When you communicate the Gospel, it is wise to take the audience into account. Aim to evangelize intelligently. A great example of this is Paul on the Areopagus in Acts 17:15-34. The people of Athens love discussion and the exchange of new ideas. Paul tries to build a bridge to his audience by referring to the altar of the unknown god which he found in their city. His speech, or sermon, is quite philosophical, which suits his audience well. You should also be aware of how much your audience already knows. A Buddhist has no concept of a Creator God, so it is wise to start there. With a Jewish or Muslim audience, there will be much more common ground from which you can start to build.

Make an effort to tailor your evangelism to the needs of the people you are speaking to. The Alpha Course appears to be a successful method of evangelization in the secularized and personalized West. The evangelistic bible studies are held in a relaxed, friendly environment, and each evening begins with a meal shared. Perhaps this is exactly what those who are lonely are waiting for. Look for someone who could introduce you to the entire family or the entire neighborhood if you live in a society where people are close to one another.

Own personality

Seek an approach to evangelism that works for you. Not everyone is at ease sharing the gospel openly and confidently in public. There are many who resemble Andrew, the brother of Peter, who subtly presented Jesus to his brother (John 1:40–42).

Evangelism is not always easy. People might seem so unfriendly and unresponsive at times. Recall the story that Jesus spoke about the four types of soil in Luke 8:4–15. There is rich, fertile soil and there is dirt that is full with rocks. Like the sower who seeded the gospel everywhere, you should also expect God to deliver fruit according to His will. Experiment with different seeding techniques; if one method doesn’t work, don’t give up.


Let prayer permeate your testimony (Ephesians 6:18, 19). [Pray to God for direction] over who and how to talk to. Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Even when chances present themselves at inopportune times, be ready to seize them (Ephesians 6:15). Additionally, be sure that your statements are supported by a way of living that prioritizes Christ!


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