How should we serve God?

How should we serve God?

The first thing we should acknowledge when considering how to serve God is that our actions do not earn us God’s favor. Serving God does not earn us a spot in heaven. In Jesus Christ, we are [saved by God’s grace by faith]. That is where our Christian life begins. It is not about our service, but rather God’s grace.

The desire to serve Him

We are called to serve God once we have accepted Him as our heavenly parent via faith. We are being [become] like his Son, Jesus Christ, by God (2 Corinthians 3:18). The Lord is therefore more concerned with our methods than with what we accomplish. The most significant thing to God in our service is our character. “But [the fruit of the Spiri]t is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control,” is the image that He desires to see in us (Galatians 5:22).

What should we do when serving God?

Naturally, this says nothing about the nature of our service to God. What ought we to do in order to serve God? The Great Commission and the Great Commandment make a nice synopsis. When Jesus stated, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind,” he gave us the Great Commandment. The first and greatest commandment is this one. Another similar verse is found in Matthew 22:37–39: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Loving Him

By loving God, we serve Him. Our love is demonstrated by the songs and prayers we sing to Him, by [reading and obeying] His Word, by our fellowship as His church, and by elevating the Lord to the highest position in our life.

Loving our neighbors

Serving God also means showing love to everyone around us. These individuals are those that the Lord places in our path—friends, family, coworkers, and relations. We’re ready to lend a hand however we can. Rather than seeking an easy life for ourselves, our goal is to find ways to help others, just like the good Samaritan did when he went above and beyond to assist the man who had been robbed (Luke 10:25–37).

Telling other people about Jesus

Jesus’ final words before ascending to heaven, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you,” reveal another crucial facet of serving God. And lo, I will always be by your side, to the end of time. (Matthew 28:19-20).

One of the most significant ways we can serve God is by sharing the gospel with others, giving them the chance to come to faith in Him. For people are eternally rescued via the sharing of the gospel.

It’s a huge duty, this. However, there’s a lot of happiness involved. We can be confident in Jesus’ promise that He will be with us constantly, until the day He comes and we [be with Him eternally on the new world], as long as we love God, love our neighbors, and make disciples. Because of this, serving God is a pleasant endeavor!


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