How should I surrender to God?

How should I surrender to God?

Is it even a good thing to surrender to God? is a question we should address before discussing how to do so. Does “losing” imply “surrendering,” is that right? Is that ever beneficial? Alright, it makes sense. Continue reading, and I will explain why, despite the fact that the Bible does not use the term “surrendering to God,” so many Christians are talking about it.

Surrendering is stop fighting

The word “surrender” has multiple meanings. An army gives up to an army that has won. It concedes the enemy army’s superior strength and gives it the authority to determine what to do with the losing side. Thus, you declare, “Lord, I stop fighting you,” when you give yourself over to God. You prevail. You own my life. What transpires is up to you.

Surrendering is stop your resistance

Saying “I surrender to love” is another way to use the word surrender. It indicates that you have given up fighting the emotion and are allowing yourself to be completely consumed by it. Love is a nice thing, so that’s a positive step.

What is surrendering to God?

When we discuss giving ourselves over to God, both of these meanings of the word “surrender” have significance. It is admitting that you have been at odds with God and that you ought to put an end to it so that He may guide you in making the best decisions for your life. Furthermore, it is a good thing since you are surrounded by all the blessings that God want to bestow upon you when He assumes control of your life.

What should I surrender to God?

The allied forces declined to negotiate with Germany after the end of World War II. Their one and only request was complete surrender. That’s also what you ought to do: completely give your life to God. Give up your body, your will, and your thoughts.

Surrender your mind

Giving up on ideas does not imply giving up on thinking. It implies thinking in accordance with God’s will. Quitting [sinful thoughts] is a crucial step in giving up control of your thoughts. There are so many TV shows that entice you to desire power, wealth, or immorality. This also applies to a lot of music. The incorrect friends’ presence has the same effect. Giving your mind over to “whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8) is the equivalent of bidding farewell to all of that.

Surrender your body

Your body is the Holy Spirit’s temple if you follow Jesus (1 Corinthians 6:19). Thus, honor your body by avoiding abusing it by smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or engaging in risky activities. Enjoying sex within the limits that God has established—the lifetime marriage between a husband and wife—is another crucial component of giving up control over your body.

Surrender your will

According to Luke 22:42, Jesus prayed, “Not My will but Yours be done.” It is appropriate for us to follow suit. Whether they realize it or not, a lot of individuals choose to follow their own will occasionally and obey God occasionally. Naturally, that begs the question, “How often is your own will superior to God’s?” The response is in the negative. You hurt the people around you when you choose to go against God’s will. Even though you might think it’s better for you, it is a mistake. God’s will is greatest for your long-term happiness, both here on earth and in eternity. Have faith in him.

Surrendering is obligate for a christian

Salvation is the first advantage of giving yourself over to God. For a Christian, giving oneself over to God is a necessary part of who they are. As long as you continue to believe that you make your own decisions about how to spend your life, you will never be able to become a child of God or go to paradise. You acknowledge Jesus as Lord of your life when you put your faith in Him as your Savior. Each and every Christian has given their lives to Jesus.

Surrendering lets us live close to God

However, we must admit that we frequently fail to give up completely. There can be aspects of your life that you would want to maintain in your own hands. Giving up these places will result in additional advantages. Living in intimate proximity to God is the second advantage that results from complete submission. As Jesus said in John 14:21, “He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”

Surrendering lets us serve God

Ability to serve is the third advantage of giving yourself over to God. We are unable to serve God by ourselves. However, God can utilize us when we submit to the power of the Holy Spirit. Take Acts 4:31, for example. “They all had the gift of the Holy Spirit and were bold in proclaiming God’s word.”

To surrender, you need to trust God

Choosing to surrender to God is the first step. Saying that is easier said than done. You have to genuinely believe that God is the expert in every area of your life. It is only after that you can decide to give God complete control over your life and give Him instructions.

To surrender, you need to tell God

Telling God, “Lord, I surrender to you, I surrender my mind, my body, and my will,” is the next step in giving yourself over to him. Take me along in your reality. He is the All-Powerful God, and He will support you even if you choose to give up.

To surrender, you need to stay with God

Excellent behaviors also support surrendering to God. You will remain focused on God’s will as you read the Bible. You can maintain a close relationship with the God you gave your life to by worshiping him. You can avoid being taken prisoner by the devil and remain on God’s side by running from wickedness.


God is the best judge. He made Jesus Christ available to everyone who puts their faith in Him as their Savior. In order to completely profit from his salvation, you must give yourself over to God. Choose to follow God’s will rather than your own. You will then feel God’s strength and be near him. To keep receiving blessings in your life that you have given to God, read the Bible and engage in worship.


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