How should Christians deal with differences in political opinions?

Christians can hold deeply divergent political opinions. How could that be true? And how ought one to reply? What the Bible teaches about Jesus’ disciples, in my opinion, might point us in the right direction.

Jesus’ disciples

Politics can cause a great deal of concern for many people. The situation among [Jesus’ disciples] was the same. James would have liked to discuss sports, Thomas might have liked to meander through the Galilean hills, and Judas, being the man of finance, might have been particularly interested in the stock market updates. However, at least two of them had a strong political affiliation. and in an entirely distinct manner.

“Matthew the tax collector” was one of Jesus’ disciples (Matthew 10:3). He was in charge of tax collection for the Roman occupying force. He gained a great deal of money doing that, but he also greatly alienated his other residents. He certainly had to justify his actions on a regular basis.

The word “Simon Kananites,” which is Aramaic for Simon the Zealot, is mentioned in the passage that follows. He most likely belonged to the group that opposed the Romans with the greatest fervor and spearheaded the uprising against Rome that caused Jerusalem to be destroyed a generation later.

Following Jesus transcends politics

Matthew and Simon were two of the twelve disciples who were in constant contact with the Lord Jesus. It’s possible that they both needed to make amends for past political transgressions. It’s likely that Matthew needed to learn more about the plight of his fellow citizens who were subjected to injustice by the Roman authorities. Simon may well have needed to lose his enthusiasm for armed resistance.

We’re not sure. Undoubtedly, though, if they slept by a stream while traveling with the Lord Jesus and were the only two still awake, Simon would have asked Matthew how he could justify being employed by the Romans. Furthermore, Matthew questioned Simon, saying, “How can you defend yourself from being so aggressive that you risk the Romans exacting revenge on our fellow citizens?” They would probably understand each other better if they asked those questions. However, I don’t think their differences arose from politics.

Thus, how and why could they both be followers of the Lord Jesus? Really straightforward: because following Jesus is about something beyond national boundaries. Verse 7 states that the Kingdom of Heaven is approaching, and this is what they were required to proclaim. Matthew refers to the kingdom of God as the kingdom of heaven. After that, they needed to [show off that kingdom].

Health care as an example

If you apply that calling—to be active for God’s kingdom—to a particular population, the sick, you may claim that Christians are capable of the following:

  • Step 1: We extend an invitation to everyone, even the ill, to trust in Jesus.
  • Step 2: We pray that God would heal the sick.
  • Step 3: we nurse the sick.
  • Step 4: we establish hospitals.
  • Step 5: we organize health care.

Finally, you arrive at politics with this phase. That is a wise and even required course of action. But here is where Christians can confront one other, unlike in the earlier steps. In politics, differing opinions can arise from disagreements over issues such as safety or danger, government or free market effectiveness, importance of individual freedom versus group security, whether immigration from other cultures poses a greater threat or enrichment, standards that should be imposed on citizens and what they should be allowed to freely choose, and whether it is preferable to realize these ideals through a Christian or non-Christian party.

Christians can differ over politics

The great majority of political beliefs are not directly related to Christian beliefs. When we discuss the sacredness of life, it is mentioned. The arguments against euthanasia and, to a greater extent, against abortion need to be made as forcefully from a pulpit as they do from a political cathedral.

However, on nearly every other issue, there are a lot of stepping stones between your political and religious convictions that cause people who sincerely love the Lord God to adopt differing political stances. If you genuinely believe you are correct, I would advise you to fight for it.

But when you stand face to face as brother and sister, how are you meant to handle it? It is depressing when Christians disregard one another due to divergent political ideologies. We can infer a few things from this example, wherein Simon the Zealot and Matthew the tax collector together proclaim and make evident the kingdom of God.

  • The first is that even while you both want the best possible future, your beliefs about how to get there can still be very different. Draw the illustration of [the new earth]. Everyone in politics, from the left to the right, will agree that’s the direction we should go! It doesn’t make you enemies if you can’t agree on how we can most closely approximate the new earth right now. It implies that one of the two is false. Of course, there’s always a chance that you are.
  • The second is that we understand that, despite the fact that we would always be correct, our politics will not bring about that new earth. Thus, don’t give it too much thought. Before politics, a lot happens. Furthermore, a lot of things transcend politics.
  • If we acknowledge that, then it ought to be feasible for brothers and sisters in the church to hold radically diverse political opinions without disparaging or biasedly seeing one another.

Christians agree on many important things

Before they get into politics, consider all the things Simon the Zealot and Matthew the tax collector have in common. educating others about Jesus. wishing for people. assisting others. establishing institutions to assist individuals.

That is quite a bit! That’s where our [Christian togetherness] comes from. On all these points, Christians who vote left and Christians who vote right agree.

Your own country on earth is not as essential as the kingdom of heaven. You may be certain that you are on the correct path if you are dedicated to that kingdom. You accomplish that [by introducing others to Jesus]. To achieve that, pray for God to reveal His might. By loving your neighbor as yourself, you achieve that. You accomplish this by contributing to and working for charities that are dedicated to meeting the needs of others.

While we wait, we pray for discernment for our Christian brothers and sisters who sense a call from God to use politics to further the common good of society.


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