How is the Bible different from the Quran and other religious books?

Why is the Bible different?

Given that the main world religions—Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.—adhere to the teachings of sacred texts, this is an important subject. People generally turn to religion for guidance in life, meaning, and hope. These can originate from within us, from outside us through creation, or from outside us through a transcendent deity, depending on the faith.

Many similarities but also great differences

Since humanity is a common trait among all people, you will probably notice numerous parallels between the teachings found in the many sacred texts. Religions will, however, teach very different things.

When it comes to monotheistic faiths like Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, it is God who establishes morality. Many Gods who may or may not establish rules for the worlds they rule over can be found in polytheistic religions. In non-divine religions like Buddhism, the law of nature establishes the norm.

How does the Bible differ?

What distinguishes the Bible from other holy texts, then? The Bible is truly exceptional. In contrast to other religious texts, the Bible is actually a collection of 66 books that were written over a 2000-year period by numerous authors from various civilizations, and they are all authentically the Word of God. Compare the Bible to the Quran, for instance. The prophet Muhammad is the only author of the Quran. But, as the Quran is written in the first person and represents God speaking to the prophet personally (word for word), it is written in the first person. Most of the Bible is not written in the first person.

Christians hold that men who were genuinely inspired by God wrote the Bible. This does not imply that their cultures or personalities were dictated by God. God inspired them to write authentic words about God by using their personalities and cultures.

Learn everything there is to know about the Bible at What is the Bible?

The main difference

The sheer quantity of [prophecies] that are found inside the pages of the Bible may be the primary distinction between it and other holy texts. Numerous predictions about the arrival of Christ are found in the Old Testament, and all of them were fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. The sheer quantity of predictions in the Old Testament makes it seem quite unlikely that any of them will come to pass. The God of the Bible is, nevertheless, the God of the possibility. We can put our trust in Jesus Christ, who is the world’s ruler and savior.

There are many resources available online if you’re interested in learning more about Jesus and the prophecies He fulfilled. Alternatively, you can pick up a Bible and study it for yourself.


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