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How does discipline relate to the Christian life?

How does discipline relate to the Christian life?

Have you ever experienced overload due to something that seemed too challenging? Picking up a language or an instrument? Maybe attacking a specific sin? Have you ever experienced depression due to anything being too difficult?

I used to hate piano lessons, and especially practising. To make my misery even worse, every few months my teacher put on these class performances where it was obvious to everyone that I was her worst student. I just couldn’t seem to make both my hands do different things at the same time. Several years later, while training to be an actor at Drama School, I was cast in a role where I needed to play an accordion on stage. The accordion is even more complicated than the piano: one hand plays the tune, another the chords, and your arms move in sync to force the instrument to make a sound. On top of this, I needed to ACT! I had to deliver lines, hit my marks, and react to the other performers. How was I supposed to do this?

By the grace of God, I had a nice and smart buddy who accomplished two things. She began by telling me to calm down and that God still loved me regardless of how things turned out! She also demonstrated for me how to practice.

Meaning of discipline in the Bible

These two items illustrate what the Bible refers to as “discipline.” While the Bible as a whole discusses discipline, one specific passage provides some incredibly valuable insights on the concept: the Sabbath commandment (Exodus 20:8–11; Deuteronomy 5:12–15).

The Sabbath commandment is divided into two parts: “rest” and “regularity,” or “trust” and “template.” These are, in essence, the two facets of Christian discipline.

People’s worth doesn’t depend on their work

The Sabbath commandment was introduced to the Israelites in Exodus 16. The people needed food to eat, and so they grumbled against Moses (Exodus 16:1-3). God gave them bread every day called Manna, this meant the people had to trust God every day, because they couldn’t store the bread overnight otherwise it would go mouldy (Exodus 16:19-20). On the sixth day they collected enough Manna for two days, this meant they could rest every seventh day (Exodus 16:23-26). Contrast this to Pharaoh, who gave the Israelites no time off, made their work harder, and accused them of being lazy (Exodus 5)! Pharaoh treated the Israelites as only worth the work they could do, but God gave them rest to teach them their worth comes by trusting in him.

Rest and regularity

There are two key lessons regarding Christian discipline that the Sabbath commandment teaches us:

  1. The first step in discipline is to [‘trust’ God] and recognize our value in him. We can “rest” because we don’t have to labor to earn our value.
  2. Living a routine, regulated existence is what is meant by discipline. Our lives have a “template” to them.

When I was back in drama school, I studied each new scale gradually at first, practicing for five minutes at a time during coffee breaks. Remarkably, I learned two new scales on the first day alone. I practiced more frequently and for a little bit longer the following day. I was able to play every major scale on the piano by the conclusion of the week. I could no longer play the difficult music I had only imagined being able to, and I even found I could now improvise and play by ear. I was able to play the accordion flawlessly when I performed on stage because I practiced every day.

Christian discipline is not legalistic

Christianity is not the same as my previous piano classes, practice sessions, and concerts! Being legalistic and putting my value in my work will only increase the pressure on me, making things harder and more stressful for me. Christian discipline means developing a regular routine in my life and learning to unwind and rest by believing in God’s value for me.

The Sabbath command reminds me that I have a template for life, that I am meant to be at my best via regularity and rest, and that I can trust in God. That’s Christian discipline. Learn these lessons from the Sabbath commandment and you’ll be amazed at the person God can make you become, no matter what you seem overwhelming, be it conquering a sin or picking up a new talent.

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