How do I start a conversation to tell someone about God, Jesus or the Gospel?

It’s a great question, and a crucial aspect of being a Christian.

Jesus’ command

The words “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you,” are said by Jesus in Matthew 28:19–20. He also promises to be with them constantly until the end of time.

This has 4 parts:

  1. Go
  2. make disciples
  3. baptizing them
  4. teaching them

This commandment applies to everybody who identify as Christians, including you, as you are a disciple if you are a Christian. You might believe that this is a bit excessive and too difficult for the average person. Jesus ends His instruction with the assurance, “I will be with you always, until the end of the age,” understanding that for some of us this would seem unachievable. There is no justification for any of us to stop bearing witness to others, informing them about Jesus, and providing them with the chance to get to know Him.

How do you start?

Ask God to provide us with opportunities throughout the day to share Him with others as we begin each day. Having some familiar Bible verses with you—or even those that others have used—that highlight the significance of considering these topics would be a good idea. Any person you encounter during the day is someone the Lord has brought to you with the chance to share the Gospel if you have asked Him to assist you.

If possible go in pairs

Sometimes God just opens the door for us when we find ourselves in situations where we are on our own. However, if at all feasible, especially if you are new to this, go with someone who has more experience than you and will guide the way.

Conversations with strangers

It can be difficult to strike up a conversation, but if you want to try, try saying something like, “It’s a nice day. How are you today?” or “Is this seat free?” or “I think you dropped this.” Or, “I see you are reading the newspaper. What are the headlines today?” within the first ten seconds of meeting them.

Conversations with people you know

Ask the Lord to lead you in the conversation if you know them or feel like you would like to start with something different from the suggestions above. When they start talking about themselves, pay attention and see if you can utilize any of it to start a discussion about the Lord.

The broken world

Since there are difficulties of all kinds these days, including natural disasters, murder, crime, pandemics, conflicts, and instability, most people can definitely relate to this. They’d probably agree that everything is chaotic in the world, thus you might use this to introduce the three circles presentation. View this talk or any other demos of the kind. You could utilize a brief synopsis of God’s story from Creation to Jesus in the Bible (and judgment if you think it is suitable).

Your testimony

Using the following three headings, you can use this to tell your story of how you came to know God:

  • What I was like before I came to know God
  • Why I came to know God
  • What has changed since I have met Him.

Finishing up

It’s possible that the person listening has been challenged about something or is motivated to continue seeking the truth if you’ve been able to reach this far in a conversation. Make a challenge of them before you depart:

  • Are you interested in knowing more?
  • Do you want to know the one and only real God, the one who loves you and has made every effort for you to know him?

As appropriate, reply to them. Give them a piece of the gospel, an evangelistic tract, or anything else that includes your contact information (phone number, address, or church location) so they can follow up if they so want.

As you leave

Express gratitude for their time and inquire if they have any requests for you to pray over. Say a little prayer for them there, if that’s suitable. Tell them you will be praying for them and that you or someone from the church will get in touch with them in a few days if they have agreed to give you their contact information. Reassure them that they are under no obligation, and support them as they seek the truth.


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