How can you make your marriage stronger?


There is no such thing as a perfect marriage, despite what Hollywood and the movies would have you believe. Every relationship has different problems to contend with. To be honest, I have never met a married couple who hasn’t argued at some point.

Your marriage is important and sacred

Sadly, a lot of couples decide to put off their arguments and ignore their issues, allowing them to fester. This causes a great deal of emotional harm and severely erodes the partnership. This explains why so many couples decide not to get married or file for divorce these days. As Christians, we ought to recognize the significance and holiness of marriage. Even while no marriage is ever flawless, there are things we can all do to strengthen our unions for the glory of God.

Pray and read together

I can’t emphasize enough how crucial it is for a Christian marriage to pray and study the Bible together—even if it may seem apparent. The general well-being of your marriage is greatly impacted by these two factors. You should start praying for your spouse right away, as well as giving each other encouragement and reminders from God’s Word. The Bible states that “the two shall become one flesh,” so it is crucial for a marriage to grow spiritually together (Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:31). I am essentially neglecting and being unloving towards my wife if I choose to skip out on prayer and reading God’s Word. The Bible makes it quite evident that our marriages will grow stronger the more we love and seek God.

In marriage love each other as Christ does

I’m not sure about you, but there are moments when I act really selfishly. In addition, I occasionally gripe about having to get off the couch in order to take care of my wife. This is really incorrect, and it shouldn’t be the case! According to Ephesians 5:25–28, husbands should treat their wives with the same love and sacrifice that Christ showed for the church. He purified her by washing her in the word and water, presenting the church to Himself in all her beauty—spots, wrinkles, and all—so that she would be pure and faultless. Husbands ought to adore their spouses as much as their own bodies. In love with his spouse, he loves himself.

Put your spouse’s needs before your own

As husbands, God has instructed us to love our spouses with the same passionate, selfless, [unconditional] love that Christ has shown us. In the same way that the Church submits to Christ as its head, He has also instructed wives to submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-24). To put it another way, a Christian marriage is not the place for conceit or selfishness. Shouldn’t our wives be included in the Bible’s instruction to “do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3)?

Be completely honest

There isn’t much to say about this except than an honest marriage is a healthy marriage. Lies and secrets are important contributing factors to divorces between marriages. In John 8:32, Jesus declared, “The truth will set you free.”A marriage that exalts God is one that has Christ, the Truth, as its solid cornerstone (John 14:6). Are you being completely honest with your partner? Do you have anything you should admit or are you hiding?

Develop intimacy with one another

Many people typically associate intimacy with physical affection or sex when they hear the word. Christian couples can establish connection in other ways besides sex. Having said that, it should be noted that strong, godly couples truly love having sex since it is a blessing from God. Both the husband and the wife should protect sex as precious and holy. The Bible states in Hebrews 13:4 that “God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” Therefore, marriage should be respected by all and the marriage bed should remain uncontaminated.

Spend time with the one you married

As previously mentioned, there are other ways to be intimate with your spouse without sex. Every husband and wife should consider developing intimacy in non-sexual ways. There are many things I can do every day to be closer to my wife, such spending time with her, making travel plans, buying her a gift, or just telling her how much I love her. In the end, spending time with the other person to get to know them and completely appreciate them with love—more especially, the love of Christ—is what married intimacy is all about.

Final thoughts

Take action now to ensure that your husband and you have a stronger relationship if that is your goal. To be clear, though, without the labor and assistance of the Holy Spirit, nothing in your marriage will change. We are powerless to bring about the improvement or development we so desperately need. However, God can and will! Thus, set aside some time to pray as a couple and beg God to transform you both internally. He will “do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us,” brothers and sisters, if and when we give ourselves to Him. (Ephesians 3:20)

Read more about Christian marriage


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