How can you make the kingdom of God visible?

Jesus invited his disciples to serve as [His kingdom’s] ambassadors. He addressed them by saying,

Declare, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand,” as you proceed. Cast out demons, heal the sick, revive the dead, and purify lepers. According to Matthew 10:7-8, “You received without paying; give without pay.”

You are also the Lord Jesus’ ambassador if you have accepted Him as your personal Savior via faith. What He demands of you then is shown in these verses.

In the first place, you invite others into the kingdom if you love the Lord Jesus. The desire for others to enter the kingdom is a common one among all disciples. We want for this because we have personally witnessed the joy of living in Christ. We also yearn for it because we are aware that those who reject the kingdom will face God’s judgment (see Matthew 10:14–15).

Words and deeds

The allure of Jesus’ commission to His disciples is that it calls us to manifest the kingdom of God via our actions in addition to simply inviting people to come.

“Clean the lepers, raise the dead, drive out demons, heal the sick.”

The apostles were specifically bestowed with these miraculous abilities, which is why we do not encounter them as regularly as we do now. However, that does not mean that we are unable to manifest God’s kingdom here on Earth. Three avenues now open for the manifestation of God’s kingdom.

Miracles in prayer

The Lord God hears our prayers first, and He answers them with miracles. To see God’s power demonstrated, just pray. Even now, the Almighty God uses signs and wonders to attest to the gospel’s message. People receive healings, are called to God by unusual dreams, or experience His love at precisely the appropriate time through seemingly random circumstances. God’s dominion is thus made evident.

Transformed lives

Secondly, we are transformed into kingdom citizens by the Holy Spirit. We are devoted to one another and to those who are facing hardships in our world. When the Good Samaritan noticed a guy who was hurt, he did not go by.

Because of this, when the Holy Spirit is within us, we are also willing to lend a hand and show love to others—even if it costs us money, time, or effort. The world understands what it means when God is in charge. Christians might observe God’s kingdom in their own personal life.

Commitment to the welfare of the world

Third, when it comes to the creation of hospitals and the healing of the sick, Christians have also been at the forefront of God’s marvels. The earliest hospitals in Europe were run by nuns and monks, with financial support from wealthy donors who desired to donate for religious reasons. Missionaries established the first hospitals in numerous African and Asian nations.

Additionally, something of God’s kingdom is made apparent in this way. Of course, love is the source of this as well, but I bring it up independently from the preceding point because love is more than just leaving someone with stuff. It also involves creating structures and organizations. Additionally, the kingdom of God may be seen through institutions run by Christians dedicated to promoting world wellbeing.

God’s kingdom is not dependent on our efforts

All of them are significant means of revealing God’s kingdom. However, it’s critical to understand that our efforts will not ultimately result in the building of God’s kingdom. There will always be a glimpse of the kingdom’s beauty as long as this world endures.

However, the return of the Lord Jesus is imminent. The New Earth and New Heavens follow. Then God’s dominion is fully established. After that, there won’t be any more deaths, tears, lamentations, or problems. That should be something that every follower of Jesus can anticipate!


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