How can Jesus be God and Son of God at the same time?


The Bible contains certain easily understood passages. However, the Bible contains certain difficult-to-understand passages. Regardless of how much research you do, it remains a mystery. How Jesus can be both God and the Son of God simultaneously is one of those puzzles. However, despite being a mystery, we can still learn a little bit about it. We can also discard some incorrect notions about Jesus.

God is one, and has no wife

A son can’t be the father; in typical human relationships, a son has a father. They are two different individuals. Furthermore, a person needs a mother in addition to their father. That is the typical course of human existence. Jesus is referred to as the “Son of God” in numerous passages in the Bible, including Matthew 4:5, Mark 1:1, John 1:34, and 14:33. Thus, if we were to see Jesus through a human lens, we might deduce that God had a spouse who gave birth to Jesus.

Mary is a human, not part of the trinity

However, the Bible makes no reference of “God the Mother” or anything pertaining to God’s matrimony. Jesus was born into the world through the extraordinary conception of a human woman named Mary [without having intercourse with anyone]. There are legends from antiquity about gods having sex with human women, but the Bible makes no mention of this. Jesus simply had Mary as his mother in the sense that she was his biological mother. It is untrue that God the Father descended from heaven and had intercourse with Mary. Mary, God the Son, and God the Father do not make up the Trinity. There aren’t several deities. One God exists alone.

God is three in one…. but not three gods

But how can God, if there is only one, have a son who is also God? The relationship that is discussed in the Bible between “God the Father” and Jesus (also known as “the Son of God”) is one that has always been inside God. Although God is one, He exists in three individuals. People have had difficulty making sense of what they discover in the Bible because it is difficult to understand. We are aware that there are three distinct gods: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. But the singularity of God is unambiguously stated in the Bible. “There is just one LORD, our God.” (Leviticus 6:4).

Jesus and God were always Father and Son. Knowing this is crucial to considering Jesus to be God and the Son of God.

1) [There has always been God] 2) The Father is the Father and always will be 3) The Son is who He has always been.

Who came first, Father or Son? Neither!

Before becoming a father, a guy is single in a human connection. No one is a father by birth. However, the Son has always had a father in God the Father. Since they are one, they have always existed together. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” the Bible declares. He was with God at the beginning (John 1:1–2). “The Word” in these lines alludes to Jesus. They’ve been with each other forever.

Jesus is the Son of God since always

Imagine two books sitting on a table. One book is on top of the other book. Normally, you would think that one book was put on the table first and then another book was put on top afterwards. But imagine if those two books had always been on the table since before time began. There was never a time when those two books were not positioned like that. Even though you would think that one book came first and the other came second, it is not true. God the Father and God the Son are like that. In human terms, it is logical to think that a father came first and the son came second. But God the Father and God the Son have always existed together because they are one. Because we use the words “Father” and “Son”, it seems like one must have come first. But that is not true. And that is a mystery.

What we do know… and don’t know

Examining all the material in the Bible and determining how it all fits together is a crucial step in understanding the Bible. Some things in the Bible make no sense because God is so much higher above us and our comprehension. For this reason, it is mysterious how Jesus is both God and the Son of God.

We do, however, know that there is only one God, and that this God is comprised of the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus. We’re not sure how that’s possible. However, is it necessary to understand every mystery before we can trust in the one real God, revealed in Jesus?


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