How can I disciple people far away?

How can I disciple people far away?

Has God entrusted you with the task of providing for younger Christians who reside far away from you? If so, Paul and the Philippians have a lot to teach you! Acts 16:11–34 records that Paul was present when the Philippians first became Christians. However, Acts 16:35–40 records that Paul was soon compelled to part from these nascent followers. What encouragement did Paul give his own long-distance followers to “stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27) and live fully for Christ “not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence” (2:12) based on the letter he addressed to them?

Deep love and commitment

The Philippians would have sensed Paul’s abiding affection and dedication for them the moment they opened the letter. Particularly in the opening paragraphs, there are heartwarming themes of “joy,” “partnership,” and gratitude that “all of you share in God’s grace with me.” Perhaps there are occasions when we might learn to show our affections for people who look up to us as spiritual mentors more openly and less reservably? As Paul did, let us rejoice in God’s work in our own lives as well as in each new step our “disciples” take toward faith!

Pray regularly

This upbeat attitude continues into—or perhaps even beyond—Paul’s intercession for the Philippians in Philippians 1:9–11. In addition to praying for his disciples on a regular basis, Paul also made it clear to them why he was praying—not so that he would be seen as particularly pure but rather so that they would know that they and their advancement as Christians remained his actual passion and joy. Like Paul, we also need to inform our “disciples” that we are regularly praying for them.

Mature Christian mindset

Paul and the Philippians had a two-way prayer alliance. He closes chapter 1 by discussing the struggles he has personally faced as a result of following Christ. Again, he does this to encourage them rather than to place himself above others, but rather to show them that the Holy Spirit has been answering their prayers by strengthening him in every trial (Philippians 1:19). Furthermore, Paul recognized that the Philippians needed to have the same mature Christian perspective because they were experiencing the same difficulties as he was (Philippians 1:29–30). What better way to foster this than by leading by example?

Paul knew, however, that whatever ultimately happened to him was incidental (Philippians 1:27); in the end, the Philippians’ faith and faithfulness depended not on Paul but rather on “God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purposes” (2:13). Paul did not downplay his own important, God-given role in their spiritual growth. This humble and freeing truth sets us free from the possessiveness of “our disciples,” enabling us, as Paul did in chapter 2, to direct our attention toward other role models, praising not just Jesus Christ (2:5-11), but also Timothy (2:19-24), Epaphroditus (2:25-29), and others.

Being too proud

The account of Epaphroditus demonstrates Paul’s willingness to provide (2:25) and accept (2:30) the Philippians’ practical assistance. once more, not out of self-interest, but rather because Paul recognized that allowing the Philippians to assist him would ultimately be advantageous to them (Philippians 4:10–18). In a similar vein, we might recall how Jesus took assistance from others: Rich women financially supported His ministry (Luke 8:3), His disciples gave Him food (John 4:31), and when the impoverished widow went to the temple treasury to offer “all she had to live on,” Jesus let her (Luke 21:1-4). Therefore, let’s not be too arrogant to allow our “disciples” to assist us in other ways as well as by sharing prayer requests. Genuine humility is also given.

Passionately defending

Paul’s kind approach in chapters 1 and 2 is contrasted with his firm cautions against the false teachers in Philippians chapter 3. Real Christian mentoring is never sentimental. Just like Paul, we also need to be prepared to protect Christ’s sheep from harm (3:1). It is a failure to disciple them in a Christ-honoring manner to not stand up for them when they are in danger because it is a failure to love.

Apply the gospel to the heart

Finally, we should learn from Paul to go below the surface pastoral issues to apply the gospel to the heart. Notice how he structures 3:1-4:1. It begins and ends in the same way, focusing on the “fruit” Paul wants to see in their lives (standing firm and joyful). But “fruit” in the Christian life comes not by focusing on the “fruit” itself, but by watering the “root”. Moving deeper into the passage, verses 2-3 mirror verses 17-21, contrasting the Christian mindset with that of the false teachers; then, verses 4-6 mirror verses 12-16, contrasting the “old” Paul’s confidence in himself, with the “new” Paul’s confidence in Christ. But it is the center of the passage, verses 7-11, which reveals the power behind this change: the good news that through faith in Jesus Christ, we are counted righteous by God’s grace alone! Similarly, when we deal with our own disciples’ pastoral problems, we may be tempted to focus on the lack of “fruit”. However, we must always remember that Christian behavior pleasing to God comes only from a heart transformed by the gospel.

In other places, Paul states, “I commit you to God and the word of His grace, which can sanctify you and build you up and give you an inheritance among all people” (Acts 20:32). The biblical method of strengthening our “disciples” is through gospel-shaped discipleship, regardless of how far away they live. This will always be expensive. But it’s easier than ever now because to social media, cellphones, and emails.


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