How big is the church?


You might look at the statistics to get an idea of the size of the church. It’s possible that you have seen data regarding world faiths and participated in religious education classes in school. When Catholicism and Protestantism are united, Christianity typically emerges as the religion with the greatest number of adherents. However, the church is more complex than numbers. It is larger in some areas and smaller in others than statistics could ever indicate.

The church is uncountable

First of all, we do not have access on earth to the book of life (Revelation 21:27), which is the heavenly record of all those who are children of God. Only God really knows the heart of people, and He sees what they do when no one else is watching. Jesus himself says “Not everyone who calls Me Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). This means that not everybody who calls himself a Christian is really part of the church. Claiming to belong to a religion is easy. Doing the will of God is a different matter! On the other hand, there are those whom we think do not have the right theology or way of living, but who know God’s love and forgiveness on a deeper level than most (Luke 7:36-50).

The church is incredibly international

Furthermore, the church is not a part of any nation. People from every race, tribe, dialect, and nation will be present in the church when it is eventually completed, as it is a truly global community (Revelation 7:9). “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen,” Jesus declared to the Jews. I have to bring them along too. There will be a single flock and shepherd, and they will also hear My voice (John 10:16). Afterwards, according to Matthew 28:20, He dispatches His followers to [preach the gospel throughout the world]. Be aware that the church does not have a national hierarchy. The same salvation is given to each of us.

Secret churches

There are churches that are kept under wraps, known only to God. In nations where belief is outright prohibited, they gather at night, in secret chambers, in caverns and mountains. A number of former Muslims have converted to Christianity but are required to keep their beliefs a secret. At times, they continue to visit the mosque and offer prayers to Jesus. Once more, nobody knows them all by name save God.

Of all time

And the church is not just for people who are here on Earth. It includes the saints of antiquity, [both from before and after the time of Jesus]. The believers who have remained steadfast over the ages in the face of suffering, conflict, and peace. The church and the cloud of witnesses, which consists of those who have finished their race, nevertheless include our own ancestors who have trusted in Him (Hebrews 12:1).

Until the end and forever

All denominations, all ethnicities, and even those in heaven and earth are united in the Christian church. Although we were formerly divided, we are now one people in Christ (1 Peter 2: 9–10). There is no greater privilege than becoming a part of this global, age-old church. God never stops beckoning people to Him. Furthermore, according to Revelation 7:9, there will be an uncountable number of people in the end.


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