How can I really hear the voice of Jesus and talk with Him?


This is a really significant query. According to the Bible, when God wants to lead us and we want to follow Him, He will speak to us. According to John 10:3-5, “His sheep recognize His voice, and they hear His voice; He calls His own sheep by name. They won’t follow a stranger and will instead run away from him since they are oblivious to strangers’ voices.

Jesus expects us to hear His voice

Jesus makes a sheep analogy with us. A sheep will respond differently to a stranger’s voice than to the shepherd’s because they recognize his voice, trust him, and follow him. Therefore, it is clear to us that Jesus expects us to be able to follow Him and hear His voice.

You heard Jesus’ voice at least once

You have already heard His voice if you are already a Christian. He addressed you as his offspring. Consider how something came about in the past. How could you tell which route was the Christian way? What prompted you to [accept Jesus as your Savior and follow him]?

How can I hear God’s voice?

You may have had the Christian message explained to you, read it in the Bible, or have someone point you in various biblical passages. That’s precisely how God can communicate with us. By means of another individual or via the Bible. The Holy Spirit is working on your behalf to get your attention. God occasionally works through an intense conviction or feeling in your heart to help you understand what you have read in the Bible or to prompt you to take action. Occasionally, though certainly not frequently, you might hear His voice clearly, or you might have an unexpected thought that leaves you wondering where it came from.

Learn to understand when He speaks

God can also communicate with us in these other ways. As His sheep, we will learn to identify His voice, the thoughts He puts into our minds, and the convictions and emotions He arouses in us. These will all be [according to what the Bible says]. Ask God to clarify anything if you are unsure if it is from Him or not; if He is speaking, He will undoubtedly assist you in being certain.

How can I talk to God or Jesus?

How did you let God know that you wanted or needed His forgiveness? You prayed. This is how we talk to Jesus. Many people when they first become Christians they say I don’t know how to pray. I’m afraid I’ll use the wrong words, I don’t know the right formula. God is not so much interested in the words we say as much as what is in our hearts. A child who loves his father will not hold back, afraid to talk to him in case he doesn’t say the right words, he just says the things that are in his heart. How he feels, his requests, what he plans to do or is doing. A child can often keep up a conversation even though others may not be interested, fathers love to listen and talk to their child.

Be like a child and talk in prayer to your Father

God is the same way. We pray each time we speak with Him. A brief prayer such as “Lord, what should I do?” may be followed by a lengthier one in which we tell Him how things are going, what we’ve done, and simply thank Him for His assistance. We may also tell Him about the difficulties our friends and family are facing and beg God to assist them. Praise Him, thanking Him for our food, His assistance, His love—this is adoration. This is the way we communicate with God; it’s so easy that a kid could do it.


God speaks to us through friends, the Bible, and thoughts that come to us, but all of these channels must be consistent with what the Bible says about Him. He will never urge us to do or say something that isn’t supported by the Bible. Simply expressing to God and Jesus what we think and want Him to know will start a conversation. We refer to this as praying. To be able to pray, all we need is a desire to communicate with God; we don’t need any specific instruction or vocabulary. He is undoubtedly paying attention.


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