Healthy water

“I have healed this water,” declares the Lord. […] And the word that Elisha had pronounced came to pass, and the water is still pure today. (2 Kings 2:11-22)

Elisha was viewed as the new “man of God” not just by the group of prophets but also by the people of Jericho, who then looked to Elisha for assistance. The property was unusable since the city’s spring supplied “bad” water. The people were unable to resolve this significant issue on their own. In the hopes that Elisha would perform a miracle, they thus notified him about the circumstance. Thus, he acted. He dumped the salt-filled replacement bowl into the water after requesting it. However, the Lord God was the one who healed the water—not this “trick.” Salt served just as a metaphor.

God had turned bitter water drinkable thousands of years ago when Israel was traveling through the wilderness (see Exodus 15:24–25). Jesus Christ extended this invitation to people centuries later: “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.” As the Bible states, “Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water,” so will anybody who believes in me. (John 7:37–38).

It takes clean water for humans to survive. In order to receive eternal life, one must drink living water. What is it you’re dying to have? Is Jesus the one who quenched your thirst?


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