Has the Gospel been preached to all nations?


According to the Bible, the end will arrive when this message from God is spread to every corner of the globe. Have the gospels not yet been preached to all corners of the globe?

We must examine the passage that this question is drawn from in order to provide an answer. There are two parallel verses in this instance. I will quote from the Matthew’s Gospel using the English Standard Version. As a testimony to all countries, Matthew 24:14 states, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world, and then the end will come.”

A people group

Depending on how we define “nations,” our response will vary. The Greek term “Ethnos” is what Matthew 24:14 uses to refer to the word “nation.” A people group, or more concisely, a multitude of persons of the same nature or species, is the easiest way to define the meaning of the word “Ethnos.”

Certainly, the gospel has been proclaimed to every nation, even if we define nation as only a geopolitical border. But the idea found in the Bible refers to a people group. This definition leaves much work to be done.

A helpful resource

The Joshua Project is a resource that I have found to be quite beneficial. The Joshua Project is available online. It can be found at www.joshuaproject.net.

You can discover information on unreached people groups on the website. I urge everyone to go have a look.


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