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Good news!

“The first chapter of the gospel of God’s Son, Jesus Christ” (Mark 1:5)

After zooming in on “the beginning” yesterday, we now encounter the word “gospel.” Another important term! This Greek word literally means “good news.” This is how Mark summarizes his message.
The coming of God’s Son to this world is good news. That is actually remarkable because we humans are not quite in a position to interact with God as if He were our equal. On the contrary. When He appears, His coming evokes deep awe, and also fear. His holiness does not fit into our limited, sinful reality. The prophet Isaiah expressed it this way when he saw God in a vision, “Woe is me! For I am lost … for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!” (Isaiah 6:5). Moreover, our sin cries out for punishment. Therefore, when God appears, we may expect Him to condemn us.

However, the divine Son, Jesus, declares in John 12:47, “I came to save the world, not to judge it.” Thus, according to Luke 2:10, the announcement of His arrival is “good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” Which news is the finest you’ve ever received? Was it connected to Jesus Christ as well?

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