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God’s kingdom starts small


“A man took a mustard seed and planted it in his field; that is how the kingdom of heaven is like that. It is the tiniest seed of all, but when it grows, it outgrows all garden plants and becomes a tree, attracting avian birds that build nests in its limbs. (Matthew 13:31–32)

In the time of Jesus, a lot of people believed that amazing supernatural signs would herald the arrival of God’s reign. They looked forward to a Messiah who would drive out the Romans and restore Israel’s economy and politics.

However, Jesus claims that his kingdom will begin modestly and be barely perceptible. It resembles a little mustard seed placed in a field. It won’t be noticed by anyone. But it’s going to become a tree! The mustard plant may grow up to 3.5 meters, and the mustard grain was likely the smallest seed that Jesus’ listeners had ever encountered. It is also evident that while God’s kingdom is tiny at first, it will eventually develop. We can already see this growth. When Jesus’ earthly mission came to a close, He had very few disciples in Jerusalem. There are billions of Christians in the church now, worldwide!

The paranormal signals that people have been waiting for will materialize. However, not just yet. The emphasis is on spiritual healing as manifested in transformed lives rather than on observable occurrences. The kingdom of heaven is already among us; it is not approaching in ways that are visible (Luke 17:20–21).

Do you “see” God’s kingdom growing?

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