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God will avenge His children


“O heavens, rejoice with Him; ascribe to Him, all gods, for He exacts vengeance on His enemies and avenges the blood of His children.” (Deuteronomy 32:43)

God commands us to love our enemies as ourselves rather than seeking retribution (Leviticus 19:18). As long as everything is running smoothly and we receive fair treatment, this sounds wonderful. But what if our children are killed, our village is destroyed by opposing tribes, or we are persecuted for our faith? In such cases, how can we just love our enemies? It is significant to observe that God supplements this commandment with the phrase “I am the Lord.”

He is the universe’s ruler and the one who will carry out justice. No need for us to exact revenge on ourselves, for our heavenly Father will justly judge. We can have faith that He will bring justice to those who wrong. Since the book of Revelation describes them as “crying out with a loud voice, ‘O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?'” believers may even wish for this to happen soon. (Revelation 6:10). Here, the Bible is realistic. An individual cannot just let go of the injustice done to them or their loved ones. However, since we are aware that God will exact justice, we can give our cause to Him and defer to His judgment.

Have you been treated unfairly? How did you respond?

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