God judges righteously

“You gave me five talents, master; here are five more that I have made.” “You’ve done well, good and faithful servant,” his master remarked. You’ve shown faithfulness for a short while; I’ll reward you greatly. Take pleasure in your master’s happiness. Matthew 25:20–21

God will evaluate every individual based on their deeds. He does it in a fair manner. Not everybody possesses the same skills. God desires that those who have been endowed with certain skills make advantage of them. Others can assist the less fortunate by using their abundance of material resources. Another could have a chronic illness that prevents them from performing numerous “good works.” God is aware of this. He assigns duties to everyone “according to his ability,” after all. As a result, the Lord evaluates us based on our attitude and effort in addition to the way our lives turn out.

The owner refers to two of his servants as “good and faithful servants” in the parable Jesus delivers on this topic. Despite the differences in their accomplishments, they have each given it their all. And you get compensated for that! Their demeanor stands in stark contrast to that of another servant, who is depraved, sluggish, and blatantly disrespectful of his lord. His lackluster performance isn’t the product of hardship or incapacity; rather, he simply didn’t feel like working hard for his master. Some devote themselves to the Kingdom of God but experience no fruition. Some “reap” a lot. All is seen by the Lord. He’ll treat them all equally.

Are you dedicating yourself to the Lord?


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