God is faithful to his covenant


“And God recalled the covenant he had made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (Exodus 2:14)

The Israelites were descended from Jacob, Abraham’s grandson, and his son Isaac. “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years,” the LORD had promised Abraham long before these people even traveled to Egypt. However, I will execute judgment on the country they serve, and they will thereafter emerge with enormous wealth (Genesis 15:13–14).

Israel was truly suffering at the moment and treating their stay in Egypt like that of sojourners. God would now bring them to safety, just as He had promised centuries earlier!

Isn’t that wonderful and consoling? Long before the actual events, God knew what would happen to the Israelites, He knew what would happen to his offspring, and He knew what would happen to each of us individually. Furthermore, He fulfills his commitments. He neither forgets about them nor becomes disinclined. His assurances of freedom and salvation are dependable.

What does the idea that God is in charge mean to you?


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