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God has everything in His hands

Where was Joseph when Jesus died?

God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to accomplish, just as I told him. All of Egypt will experience seven years of immense plenty, but then there will be seven years of famine following them, making all of the plenty in the country disappear. The land will be consumed by famine. Genesis 41:28–30

After Joseph dreaming about his future and the baker and cupbearer dreaming about their fate, now it’s Pharaoh’s turn. He has two dreams, one about cows and the other about grain. But actually, the two dreams are the same, and through them God shows that there will first be seven years of plenty and then seven years of famine. But again, nobody is able to interpret the dreams! Finally, the cupbearer thinks of Joseph who had shown a special ability to interpret dreams. Joseph is called out of prison and Pharaoh tells him: “I have had a dream, and there is no one who can interpret it. I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.” Joseph answers Pharaoh: “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.”

It is abundantly evident from this account that God is supreme. Only Joseph, God’s servant, was able to decipher the dreams he sent Pharaoh. Centuries later, a king dreams about the future in Babylon once more. This time, only God’s servant Daniel is able to reveal the dream and its meaning.

The seven years of affluence and the seven years of famine that Pharaoh had predicted came to pass. This further demonstrates that God is in charge of everything in the world, including rain, sunshine, and natural disasters. He is the one in need of even powerful monarchs.

Do you acknowledge that God is in control of the entire universe as a way to glorify Him?

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