Why did God create Satan?


Satan, or Lucifer, was made by God. The angelic domain was created from nothing, if everything else was as well. According to Genesis 1’s story of creation, God declared that everything He created was good and created everything.

Satan fell from heaven

People wonder how Satan, the angelic being, got to be so strong and malevolent. Some cite Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 as proof that Satan prioritized his own glory over God’s glory prior to the fall of man. Nonetheless, it is important to consider the surrounding context of these passages when interpreting them as prophesies against Tyre and Babylon. The truth is that the Bible says nothing about how or why Satan turned from good to evil, but we do know that he did. Luke 10:18 tells us that Satan “fell like lightning from heaven,” but we are only able to surmise as to what might have happened earlier. Was a cosmic conflict fought? Maybe. According to others, Revelation 12 validates a cosmic conflict.

We are set free

Everything that occurs has an eternal purpose intended by God. We may make an effort, but our efforts to unravel the mystery of His concealed intent are fruitless. God is not a surprise to Satan. An omniscient God knows in advance the horrendous evil that he generates and manifests on earth. However, the Bible demonstrates repeatedly how God subdues Satan and wickedness. The most compelling proof of this is seen in Christ’s death and resurrection. We are freed from the rightfully merited anger of God and the rule of the devil because of Christ’s atoning act on the cross and the faith that binds us to Him.


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