Getting dressed in a new glorious body

“Like new clothing, we do wish to put on our new bodies. We shall no longer require our previous body, which had to pass away, when that occurs. We shall receive a new body that is immortal in its place. According to the Easy English Bible, (2 Corinthians 5:4)

Sometimes you feel like a “new” person when you’re wearing new clothes. Small children are the first to become disproportionately proud of a new outfit or sweater. Old clothes, on the other hand, can make you feel uncomfortable at a party.

Paul likens our bodies to worn-out clothing. It is mortal and feeble. That is incompatible with the perfection of God. The sin-affected bodies we have would not belong at God’s magnificent feast.

Believers go to heaven to live with the Lord God once they pass away. However, their corpses stay on Earth and eventually turn to dust. Paul likens that to discarded old clothing. However, living without a body is also not ideal. Humans are corporeal entities by nature. We would feel “without clothes and ashamed,” since we are merely spirits. God thus bestows a fresh, flawless, and immortal body on everyone who is His, enabling them to live forever in His dazzling presence. Nothing will then serve as a reminder of this earth’s sin and brokenness. There won’t be any more wounds. No disabilities. No illnesses. Not a single flaw.

Do you want to “fit into” a different body? How much does that require?


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