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Freedom from the consequences of sin


“And from the throne, a loud voice proclaimed, ‘Behold, God has made man his dwelling place.'” They will be his people, and he will live among them. God will also be among them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death and grief and agony will also cease to exist because the former things have passed away. (Revelation 21:3–4)

The final form of freedom that Jesus provides for us is not fully realized yet. This last objective won’t be accomplished until Jesus returns and creates a new planet and new heavens. All of creation yearns for that day, and a great number of Christians echo the apostle John’s call, “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Verse 22:20).

Sin and all of its aftereffects will vanish entirely when Jesus’ Kingdom comes to an end. Since the introduction of sin into the world, individuals have experienced suffering, loss, and death. However, once “the former things have passed away,” these will no longer exist on the new earth. According to Romans 8:21, “Creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption,” meaning that not only will humanity be freed from their suffering, but also the natural world. The new world will be magnificent, serene, and lovely. Man and God shall coexist in perfect harmony.

If you put your faith in God, renounce your sin, and follow Him, this is the destiny He has for you. There is no other path to true, long-lasting freedom. It is a gift from God to you.

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