Site icon The Word Of God

Following Jesus requires our full devotion

“Whoever loves their son or daughter more than Me, and whoever loves their father or mother more than Me, is not worthy of Me.” Matthew 10:37

What it means to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” is what Jesus teaches His disciples. It implies prioritizing God over all other considerations, including your family, career, and belongings. This meant that the twelve disciples of Jesus had to give up their previous line of work. Others fear that if they choose to follow Jesus, their loved ones would become resentful or even hostile. They can face social rejection and persecution as a result. When deciding to follow Jesus, Jesus cautions us to weigh the expenses.

Our entire and full allegiance is due to God. Because He is a jealous God, the Lord desires to be the center of our life and forbids us from placing anything or anybody else before Him (Exodus 20:5). Even if it is something positive in and of itself, everything that replaces God in our lives is an idol.

Who or what are your greatest loves? Does Jesus have your undying love?

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