Enduring in God’s strength


“…being strengthened for all endurance and patience with joy, according to His glorious might” (Colossians 1:11)

A Christian’s life might be difficult. Many Christians in Paul’s day faced ridicule and persecution in public; some saw their fellow Christians killed because of their faith. The majority of Christians lived in an environment where unbelievers propagated standards and ideals that were wholly at odds with what God desired. In addition, we are always up against spiritual forces that would tempt us to turn away from the Lord and against our old selves and their wicked impulses.

And yet… Paul wants us, his readers, to bear it “with joy,” not with a moan and a sigh. We are not capable of doing that. However, we can pray for God’s immense power to strengthen us. As Jesus declared, “I have all authority in heaven and on earth,” just before He was set to return to His Father in heaven. And lo, I will always be by your side, to the end of time. (Matthew 28:18-20).

Ask God to give you strength if you are feeling overburdened by pressure from both the inside and the outside, worn out, and ready to give up on living in accordance with His will!

In this manner, you’ll be able to endure—and endure joyfully!


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