Does God want to be my Father?

A father and his youngster are strolling through a southern English location. He hears “Daddy, catch me!” all of a sudden. When he looks back, he witnesses his son soaring into the skies. He exclaimed, “Daddy, catch me!” as he leaped off a large rock. The father held out his arms just in time. They struck the ground together.

“Why did you do that?” the father inquired after he had regained his breathing. “Since you’re my dad!” Man has never, in my opinion, been so afraid. And he has never seemed so proud, in my opinion.

The parent-child relationship is important

There is nothing like the bond between a parent and child. There is nothing that compares to a parent’s love for their child. And nothing in your life is as crucial to a solid foundation as your parents’ affection. Our most treasured recollections are frequently of times spent with our parents or kids.

However, a lot of people also experience pain. Anguish at not getting the love you so desperately needed. Anguish at realizing you’ve failed. Anguish stemming from an unknown or unidentified malfunction or breakdown.

Being a child of God

I also came upon a story about a boy who was born to an unmarried woman toward the end of the 1800s (the historical accuracy of this story is debatable). That was considered a dishonor at the time and was uncommon. He was teased about it at school.

“Who do you belong to, boy?” the pastor questioned him, placing his hand on his head, one day when they were at church. The child could tell he had touched a tender spot by the look in his eyes and the way those around him reacted. The preacher then remarked, “Oh, I see it.” You [are God’s kid]! You definitely have familial traits, in my opinion. It was the boy’s individuality that he held on to.

God wants to be your Father

God wants to be like your own father, so try to picture him in that way. If the thought of your father causes you great sorrow because he was absent or so insufficient, then the picture of God as a parent is still lovely and decent.

Your suffering demonstrates that you are the ideal father. Your suffering indicates how much you yearn for a parent who never lets you down. Such a father is what the Lord God want to be for you. Because the Lord Jesus Himself instructed us to refer to the Lord God as “Father,” we are aware of this. Matthew 6:9 explains.

But exercise caution! Not everyone may claim God as their father. For those who believe in Jesus, he is the Father. According to the gospel of John, “He gave the right to become children of God to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name” (John 1:12). Have you given your life to Jesus as your Lord and Savior already?

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