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Does God the Mother exist, or is God only the Father?


Is there a “God the Mother” in addition to the God the Father mentioned frequently in the Bible (Matthew 6:9, John 6:24, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Galatians 1:1)?

There is only one God

We know that there can never be two gods—a Father and a Mother—because the Bible makes it very evident that there is only one God (Deuteronomy 4:39, 6:4, Isaiah 45:5). Does the Bible, however, assert that God is both a mother and a father?

What does the Bible say?

The Bible never tells us to refer to God as only Father, never as Mother. Therefore, to refer to God as Mother would be outside the bounds of Scripture. Nonetheless, there are also verses that describe God as possessing traits common to mothers. Jesus says, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it!” in reference to His connection with the Jews in Jerusalem. How often would I have gathered your kids under my wings, much like a hen does with her brood, and you would not have? (Luke 13:34; also read Matthew 23:37).

The Bible also describes God as the one who creates us, saying things like, “You forgot the God who gave you birth, and you were unmindful of the Rock that bore you.” (Exodus 32:18)

A child with its mother

It’s also common to compare our relationship with God to that of a child and its mother: “But my soul is within me, like a weaned child, calmed and quieted like a weaned child with its mother.” (Psalm 131:2)

There are many more instances in the Bible where God is described as a mother, but this is only a small sample. God possesses all of the finest qualities of mothers, including nurturing, caring, protecting, loving, and leading. Since God created everything, including mothers, it is true that God is the source of the traits that are most commonly associated with mothers.


In conclusion, it would be foolish to discuss God the Mother because the Bible solely discusses God the Father. However, we should thank God because He is the source of all the lovely qualities that moms possess.

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