Does God know the future?

Does God know the future

God foresees what will happen and is aware of what will happen.

God created time

The earth and the heavens were made by God “in the beginning.” In the same way that God created everything, the beginning also came into being. The Genesis 1 creation account also mentions the measurement of days and nights. God basically created time. It is impossible for Him to be constrained by time because He created time. Since God exists beyond of time, He is aware of the future.

God’s omniscience

Many times in the Bible, God’s omniscience is discussed. In order for us to comprehend that God knows the future, we must first comprehend that God knows everything. The verses that have been chosen below demonstrate God’s omniscience:

  • According to 1 John 3:20, God knows everything and is greater than our hearts, so we should not let our hearts condemn us.
  • Job 28:24: For he sees all that is beneath the skies and reaches out to the ends of the earth.
  • Job 37:16: “Do you realize the marvels of him who is perfect in knowledge, the balancing of the clouds?”
  • Psalm 139:1-3: You have known and searched me, O LORD! You can tell when I get up and when I sit down; you can even read my thoughts from a distance. You find out my route and my sleeping patterns and are familiar with all of my habits.
  • Psalm 147:5: Our Lord is great and full of strength; his comprehension is immeasurable.
  • Isaiah 55:8–9: The LORD says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways.” My ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your ideas, just as the skies are higher than the earth.
  • In Matthew 10:29–30, it is said that two sparrows are worth a cent. And all of them together with your Father will not come to an end. However, every hair on your head has a unique number.
  • Romans 11:33–34: How vast is God’s understanding, knowledge, and wealth! How mysterious his methods, how unsearchable his judgements! For who has counseled the Lord, or known what is in his mind?
  • Hebrews 4:13 states that all living things are naked and visible to the one to whom we must account. No creature is hidden from his sight.

Nothing that happens takes God by surprise

God used the prophets in the Old Testament (many years before Christ) to foretell events related to Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection (1 Peter 1:10–12). Numerous events, including His death and resurrection, were foretold by Jesus (Matthew 16:21; Matthew 17:22-23). He bestowed His Holy Spirit onto His church (Joel 2:28; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:1-13), as He had promised (see John 14–17). Only the Father knows the end of times, when Christ returns and God judges the planet (Matthew 24:36-44). Neither Christ nor we are aware of it.

God knows what will happen

God calls us to turn to Him because He knows what is ahead in each of our lives. “God disregarded the days of ignorance, but now He mandates repentance from everyone on the planet, for He has set a day when He will judge the world in righteousness through a man He has appointed; and He has assured everyone of this by raising Him from the dead” (Acts 17:30-31).


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