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Does God exist?

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I have one question that I ask myself over and again: Is God real? I’m taught at school that everything started with a big bang. How can I know for sure that God is real?

I appreciate your thoughtful inquiry. Hearing the various theories regarding the origin of our universe might be somewhat perplexing. I once overheard a man state that you have to decide between the statements in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning there was nothing and that exploded,” and “In the beginning God created heaven and earth.” Which of these makes more sense to you? Scientists wonder, “What happened?” “Who did it?” is another crucial question. According to [the Bible], God did it. [He made the world and the heavens]. The earth, life, and your life are all created by God.

Existence of God

We are unable to provide scientific evidence for God’s existence. It is impossible to demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that God does not exist. Philosophers have given this a great deal of thought. The French philosopher Descartes (1596–1655) asserted that “there must be something” that all people can think of. Everyone believes in God. God exists as a result. However, you’ll become overwhelmed by the variety of concepts and ideologies. Exists a more effective method of inquiry?

The Bible tells us about prophets, who saw God in a vision. Isaiah tells us: “I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple” (Isaiah 6:1). And John writes in the book of Revelation 4:2: “Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald.”
It is clear that they only can stutter or sing about the glory of God Almighty. He is so great, we cannot imagine how great His glory is. Who am I to see God in His glory, when He is the Creator of our cosmos?

God comes to us

The amazing narrative found in the Bible is that, in spite of my inability to approach God, God chose to reach out to me. Say this instead: He deferred to my comprehension level. God took on the form of a flesh-and-blood man. Jesus is his name. According to the Bible, Jesus is a representation of the Father God. Hebrews 1:3 states, “Jesus, who is the express image of God and the brightness of His glory.” God the Father is what I see when I gaze at Jesus. I witness [His compassionate nature] and His desire to save lives. Jesus was a historical figure. The Bible tells us a lot about Him. “He who has seen Me has seen the Father,” he declared (John 14:9).

God is there for you as well

You can now counter that it was more than 2000 years ago. How can it benefit me right now? Jesus is still alive and well today, and He gives His children the Holy Spirit to live inside of them. Millions of individuals encounter His strength, love, and solace. People have attested to God’s assistance in their lives throughout history. God is available to you now as well. You are able to speak with Him. Seek His assistance and direction. You can get in touch with Him [by praying].

I gave the idea of God’s existence a lot of contemplation before I converted to Christianity. I felt God for the first time as I knelt and placed my faith in Jesus. Why don’t you follow suit? Tell us when we may be of further assistance to you in your search, please.

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