Do not compromise on righteousness

Category Bible

“My son, resist the temptation to give in to sinners. My son, do not follow them if they say, “Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood; let us ambush the innocent without reason; we shall fill our houses with plunder.”(Proverbs 1:10–15)

It can be tempting at times to put financial gain ahead of morals. The passage for today gives an example: in order to get money, sinners entice a man to join them in robberies or even murder. Although that may be an extreme case, the concept is still evident.

Sometimes, for convenience or financial gain, we have a tendency to be less strict about morality or standards. People may even try to get us to participate in their less than fully respectable or legal endeavors.

Proverbs, however, offers unambiguous guidance: “do not walk in their path.” Morality should not be compromised. According to Proverbs 1:19, “these are the ways of everyone who is greedy for unjust gain; it takes away the life of its possessors.”

Initially, injustice and evil may appear advantageous, but ultimately, they will ruin us, whether it is in this life or the next. It is wiser to live by God’s standards of fairness and righteousness because they will produce far greater results.

Have you ever sacrificed morality and justice in order to make a quick or easy money?


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