Do not be overly self-confident

“Lean not on your own understanding, but put all of your trust in the Lord.” (Proverbs 3:5)

A lot of people advocate for self-assurance. You’ll typically do better at anything if you have confidence in your abilities rather than insecurity. You’ll probably feel better if you “believe in yourself” than if you continually doubt and undervalue your own skills. That being said, there’s a significant danger here. A healthy dose of self-confidence can quickly turn into “being wise in our own eyes” and “relying on our own understanding” if we do not place our fundamental reliance in the Lord God. Then, we have exalted ourselves to a position that only God is worthy of. The Bible forbids doing so outright, saying in Proverbs 28:26, “Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool.”

This is essentially the same cautionary tale about not putting your trust in other people that we read yesterday. Because we are all imperfect and powerless in the face of life’s greatest obstacles, just like everyone else. Excessive self-confidence indicates a lack of self-awareness. We refuse to admit that sin has impacted our heart and thinking. Indeed, according to Jeremiah 17:9, “the heart is desperately sick, and deceitful above all things.” Our own might is insufficient. We require someone more morally flawless, tougher, and wiser.

Place all your confidence in the Lord God, not in yourself!


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