Do God’s promises come true?

Declare to Judah’s governor, Zerubbabel, “I am going to upend the throne of kingdoms and tremble the heavens and the earth.” I am going to break the power of the countries’ kingdoms. The LORD of hosts proclaims, “I have chosen you, O Zerubbabel my servant, the son of Shealtiel, and I will make you like a signet ring.” Haggai 2:1–23

Haggai’s book closes with promises made to Judah’s governor, Zerubbabel. This man ought to have been the king of Israel because he descended from David’s royal line. He was simply a governor, though, because Israel was still under the control of the Persian empire. God now assures that Zerubbabel will be given royal authority and that foreign nations’ tyranny will end.

However, history demonstrates that Zerubbabel never became king and that Israel never attained political independence! Approximately 500 years after the time of Jesus, a foreign kingdom continued to oppress the Israelites. Did God, then, fail to keep his word? No. No, he didn’t. Jesus Christ is a guy who comes from Zerubbabel’s royal line, according to Matthew 1:12–16. According to Luke 1:33, he is the King of Glory, whose reign over the nations will never come to an end. The throne of his father David will pass to him. God fulfills His promise in Him. The prophecy, which was carried down through the centuries until the birth of Jesus, was not directed at Zerubbabel specifically but rather at his role as David’s heir apparent.

Though we may not always know how or when God will carry out his promises, we may be certain that He does!

Could you provide a personal example that helped you to believe that God is in charge?


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