Spirit, soul, and body: what is the difference?


The terms spirit, soul, and body are all found in a few instances in the Bible:

“May the God of peace himself now completely sanctify you, and may our Lord Jesus Christ’s return find you blameless in body, spirit, and soul” (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

Because the word of God is alive and active, it is more sharp than any two-edged sword, able to pierce through joints and marrow, split soul and spirit, and detect the intents and thoughts of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

Meaning of the spirit, soul and body

But what exactly is meant by body, soul and spirit? It seems not too difficult to distinguish the body from the soul and spirit. The body is physical and with the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch) it connects and interacts with the outer world. The soul and spirit are much more difficult to separate from each other. Many Christians hold to the opinion that the soul is the part of us that covers our will, affections and thoughts. The soul is the part of us that connects with our fellow human beings. The spirit is the part that connects to God and covers matters like faith, trust, worship and so on. The spirit is seen as the innermost part of our being. It is enveloped by our soul, which in turn is enveloped by our body. The spirit then is the part that needs regeneration in the person who does not know God.

Not easy to pinpoint

It is difficult to determine the precise meaning of the terms “soul” and “spirit,” nevertheless, when one examines how they are used in the Bible. As in Matthew 10:28, which states, “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul,” the term “soul” can also refer to the aspect of the human being that [shall live on in eternity]. Better to be afraid of him who can kill your body and soul in hell. Furthermore, we are instructed to “love God with all of our souls” in the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37). These verses talk about our relationship with God, not with other people, even though the word spirit is not spoken.

Not important?

It appears that God did not think it necessary to explain the two words to us. Though 1 Thessalonians 5:23 and Hebrews 4:12 make a distinction between spirit and soul, it is not made explicit what this distinction entails. The most crucial thing for us to keep in mind is that God’s Spirit is required for regeneration of the portion of us known as our soul or spirit. We are lifeless without the [Spirit’s work] within us, and we are unable to comprehend God or his message.


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