Did God die?

Did God die?

How can God be crucified and remain dead for two days if Jesus is truly God?

This inquiry strikes to the core of our comprehension of Jesus’ humanity and earthly ministry. The second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ, is unquestionably God, according to the Bible (John 1:1–3; 14–18; 5:18). The Bible makes it quite evident, however, that Jesus Christ endured suffering while on earth in order to submit to death on the cross. Which begs the question, how could Jesus possibly die? It would be unfair to summarize the historical theology of the apostles and the numerous church councils that attempted to address issues of Christology—the study of the Person and activity of Jesus—in a few succinct phrases. Still, we shall try our best.

Fully God and fully man

According to what the Bible says about Him, Jesus is both [completely God] and [fully man] (John 1:1–17; Colossians 1:15–16) (1 John 4:2). The Holy Spirit brought about the union of His deity and humanity at the moment of His conception in Mary’s womb (Luke 1:26-37). We can understand how Jesus is God because of the many miracles He did, including raising Lazarus from the dead, driving out demons, and stillcalming storms. However, there are moments when we witness Jesus sleeping, being tempted in the desert, going hungry, and being shocked and taken aback by His followers’ lack of trust. At one point, Jesus even acknowledges that only the Father knows the exact moment He will return in glory to earth. Jesus is a person.

So, did God die?

We wonder whether God died when Jesus offered His life on the cross. According to Colossians 1:16–17, the world and the heavens could not exist together if God died. Scripture makes it clear that God is the one holding everything together. We can see that everything is supported by God. Jesus died as a human and gave up his spirit at the time of His death; God did not die. In the event that Jesus, in His Godhead, perished, the world would end. An answer like that could raise further queries.

In the end, comparable mysteries may be found all throughout the Bible. How can it be that although persons have free will and moral responsibility, their souls are predestined? How is it possible for [God in three Persons] to be one? How is it possible that God inspired men to write the Bible even though they did? We rationally reach a dead end when attempting to discern the most minute details on all these issues, and we subsequently take the facts found in the Bible at face value. Jesus died on the cross because He was a person, not God.


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