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Death is serious, not funny

“Man is meant to die only once, and then judgment follows.” (Read Hebrews 9:27)

There is no denying the existence of physical death. We can talk about its meaning, though. Is death merely an inevitable aspect of existence, a natural phenomenon? A lot of people say it is. They believe that humans are created through the natural processes of conception and birth, and that when a person dies, they merely stop existing. During Halloween and other holidays, for instance, some people make jokes about dying.

The Bible is not in agreement. According to 1 Corinthians 15:26, death is “the last enemy to be destroyed.” It’s a dark and sinister thing. It results from sin rather than being a part of God’s initial creation. And death will cease to exist at the end of time.

But death is a serious matter till then. It is the adversary. And the Bible affirms that life continues after death. According to the book of Hebrews, judgment follows that. We all know that when humans die, their bodies return to dust. However, depending on how well we walked with the Lord God throughout our time on earth, our soul will either live forever in heaven or in hell.

Do you believe that making fun of death is acceptable given how serious it is?

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