God judges righteously

“You gave me five talents, master; here are five more that I have made.” “You’ve done well, good and faithful servant,” his master remarked. You’ve...

Inner beauty

“Let your ornament be the inscrutable beauty of a calm and gentle spirit, which is very precious in God’s eyes—the hidden person of the heart.”...

Humanity is at war with God

Then I witnessed the opening of heaven and saw a white horse! The person seated on it is known as Faithful and True, and He...

I am the bread of life

“I am the bread of life” (John 6:35) The Israelites spent years living in the desert while traveling from Egypt to Canaan. There, according to...

The Meaning of Life: Worship!

“For God has given insight, knowledge, and delight to the one who pleases him.” (Ecclesiastes 2:16) Solomon only hints here at what the whole point...

God is faithful to his covenant

“And God recalled the covenant he had made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (Exodus 2:14) The Israelites were descended from Jacob, Abraham’s grandson, and his...