How can I disciple people far away?

Has God entrusted you with the task of providing for younger Christians who reside far away from you? If so, Paul and the Philippians have...

How to evangelize?

It is a valid assumption made by the question that evangelism is something that ought to be done. Just before going back to his Father,...

How Can We Witness Without Words?

We look at a number of methods that Christians might use to communicate the gospel with others in the article [How can I promote the...

What is mission?

Mission is doing what God the Father did A church, a mission organization, or man do not own the mission. Since God is the principal...

What is our mission as Christians?

John the Baptist was introduced by the apostle John, who declared solemnly that [Jesus is the everlasting God], Creator, and Redeemer (John 1:1–5). John also...

Who are we talking about?

It is important to remember that we are representing God and acting as though He is listening to what we have to say about his...