Is the church the body of Christ?

A head exists in a living, healthy human body. Each physical part serves a distinct function and answers to the head, although they are all...

What kind of baptism does God accept?

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,” Jesus commanded the apostles. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, by...

What is the purpose of the church?

All Christians, both past and present, are members of God’s church, sometimes referred to as the universal church. Christians must also spend time studying, praying,...

Should women be pastors?

“I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet,” the apostle Paul states...

Do I need to be ‘re-baptised’?

A lot of people ask themselves if they should get baptized again. It is possible that you were baptized without realizing what had happened, without...

What is the church?

The church is made up of the baptized followers of Jesus Christ who are gathered by Him and are commanded by elders to worship God,...

Why are there fewer Christians?

Why is the current generation of Christians smaller than it was during Jesus’ lifetime? There aren’t any! The church, which is God’s people, is more...