How do we become children of God?

“However, He granted the right to become God’s children to everyone who did accept Him and trusted in His name. These people were born not...

Why did Jesus have to die?

This universe was full of life when it was created, as were its inhabitants. Although God did not create death, He did foretell it to...

Will heaven be boring?

Is God uninteresting? Definitely not! How are we aware? Consider His creation (Psalm 19:1-6). What a miracle the human body is. However, that was insufficient...

What religion did Jesus worship?

The Bible never states clearly whom Jesus worshipped, but it does state that Jesus exalted God, which is closely associated with adoration (John 17:1, 4)....

What is a sin of omission?

Since the word “omission” implies “to leave out,” a sin of omission would be doing something you knew you should have done but didn’t. “Anyone...

Why should I defend my faith?

It is not always simple to understand every detail, let alone the main points, even if we firmly believe that the Christian faith is true....