Can a murderer be saved?

If a killer believes in Jesus, will he enter paradise? He will, indeed. The Bible provides two unequivocal examples that are extremely obvious. Two of...

How did sin enter the world?

The earth was ideal when it was made by God. “God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good,” the Bible...

Did God die?

How can God be crucified and remain dead for two days if Jesus is truly God? This inquiry strikes to the core of our comprehension...

Was Jesus fully human?

“Because the children are made of flesh and blood, Jesus also shared in their humanity in order that, through His death, He might overthrow the...

What does 666 mean in the Bible?

The devil, represented by the dragon in Revelation 13, grants authority to a beast—the anti-christ—that emerges from the sea. The first beast is worshipped by...