Do Christians believe in three Gods?

I heard that Christians believe in three gods. Is that true? There is only one God, as the Bible makes quite clear. “Hear, O Israel:...

How important is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is mentioned in the first four Gospels’ introductory chapters. The Holy Spirit is the one who proclaims the birth of Jesus Christ,...

Does hell really exist?

Hell exists. The Son of God, Jesus, descended from heaven to instruct us on how to get there. According to his promises, everyone who trusts...

Who is a real Christian?

A true Christian is one who follows Jesus every day and believes in Him for the remission of sins. A true Christian accepts Jesus via...

Grace and Mercy: what is the difference?

The terms “mercy” and “grace,” which are frequently employed in the Bible, are crucial to comprehend. Although the meanings of the two terms are similar,...

Ape or Adam?

Although science claims that humans descended from apes, the Bible claims that God created Adam. What is accurate? Image of God According to Genesis 1,...

When was Satan thrown from heaven?

We already know how the narrative ends, which is the most crucial component of the response. We are aware that at the end of time,...