What does the Holy Spirit teach us?

The operation of the Holy Spirit is aptly described in a scripture found in the Bible. “Now we have received not the spirit of the...

Who created the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is God One of the three members of the godhead is the Holy Spirit. God is triune—He resides as the Father, the...

How does the Holy Spirit work?

The Holy Spirit shares the gospel with the church and everyone who would listen through the apostles. The Bible contains written accounts of the apostles’...

Can you lose the Holy Spirit?

God promises that we shall never lose the Holy Spirit after we have accepted Him as our Father via faith. At that point, we receive...

What are spiritual gifts?

The Holy Spirit is one of the main ways that God bestows gifts on His children, according to the Bible. χάρισμα is the Greek term...

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Bible makes several references to the Holy Spirit, primarily in the New Testament. He is referred to by a number of titles, including “Holy...