What is God like?

YHWH, the name of God, signifies both “I am who I am” and “I will be who I will be” (Exodus 3:14). To put it...

Does God change his mind?

The Lord never changes who He is or what He intends to accomplish in this world or with us humans. His intention for creation remains...

Why is it important to fear God?

Respecting and [submitting to] God is the essence of fearing Him. It indicates that you accept His claim to be your Lord because He is...

Does God always keep His promises?

Indeed, God never breaks his word. Genesis 3:15 contains the very first promise that God made to humanity. “I will sow discord between you and...

What does it mean that God is almighty?

God is omnipotent, or, to put it in a challenging way, all-powerful. This word is Latin in origin and means “almighty” or “omnipotent” (omni =...

How does God dwell with people?

“And the Word took on flesh and lived among us, revealing his glory to us.” (John 1:14) God’s most treasured creation, mankind, has a specific...

What is the Trinity?

The Bible is the written word of God, the Creator and Sustainer of the cosmos. The Bible makes it very evident that there is only...

What does it mean that God is good?

It goes beyond simple theology to ask whether God is good and what that implies. More than we initially realize, it affects our lives. How...