Where is God?

When most people think of God, they gaze up to the sky. This is understandable because the Bible contains several verses that explain how Jesus...

What is God’s covenant?

The Bible is primarily divided into [the Old and New Testaments]. “Testament” in the Bible typically refers to a “covenant.” Thus, a distinction between the...

Who created God?

From where did God originate? Was He made? Those are two of the hardest questions to answer, yet they are also the easiest. To put...

How do we become children of God?

“However, He granted the right to become God’s children to everyone who did accept Him and trusted in His name. These people were born not...

What does El Shaddai mean?

God Almighty is what El Shaddai means. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, the All-Powerful God want to be our Father! El Shaddai revealed to Abraham...

Can you know God?

God is supreme, supreme over everything. “For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible,…...

Who is God?

Understanding God is essential to everyone’s existence. Who then is God? Can we know God? Calling someone “God” means by definition that this Person or...

What makes God so powerful?

The most magnificent, potent, and ideal being in existence is God. Simply by speaking (Genesis 1), God [made the universe] from nothing (Hebrews 11:3), and...