Is eternal punishment in hell fair?

No. Hell’s eternal torment is unjust. However, it is just. The terms “fair” and “just” differ significantly from one another. Or, at the very least,...

Does reincarnation exist?

Reincarnation is not a real thing. Hebrews 9:27 states, “…it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,” which resolves the...

Is there salvation in other religions?

“I am the way, the truth, and the life,” declared Jesus. Only through me may anybody approach the Father (John 14:6). “No one else can...

How old is the earth?

Regarding the age of the earth, Christians have differing views. That has to do with how we approach science and how we interpret the Bible....

Why does God not make everybody serve Him?

This inquiry begins appropriately, acknowledging that there is nothing beyond God’s ability to handle. He’s capable of anything. In an instant, He could compel everyone...