Where is God?

When most people think of God, they gaze up to the sky. This is understandable because the Bible contains several verses that explain how Jesus...

What does the Bible say about Satan?

Many individuals today claim that the existence of Satan is a fable that was believed by ancient people. This is untrue, as the Bible makes...

What does the Holy Spirit teach us?

The operation of the Holy Spirit is aptly described in a scripture found in the Bible. “Now we have received not the spirit of the...

Why did God create Satan?

Satan, or Lucifer, was made by God. The angelic domain was created from nothing, if everything else was as well. According to Genesis 1’s story...

How can you overcome habitual sin?

The Holy Spirit begins to transform a person when they are born again and put their faith in Jesus for salvation (2 Corinthians 4:16). According...